Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Days like these are for the birds.

A couple of Sundays ago, since Adam doesn't need to be at work until 1:00, we all went over to Lake Lynn to walk around and feed the ducks. It started out a beautiful, slightly crisp, morning at 60 degrees. However, about 1/2 way through our walk, the farthest possible point from the car, the mercury shot up to a sweat producing 85. Needless to say Harper and I were not dressed the part.

Weather aside, we had fun with the ducks and Harper made a lot of friends as she fired through an entire bag of stale hot dog buns.

Word got around fast.

As we attempted to leave one area to go to the next we notice a little tag-a-long.

Then we saw...that little scout called in the infantry.

Not only did we feed the ducks but we attracted the attention of an ENORMOUS snapping turtle.

One side...

...and the other.

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