Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First ingredient...SNOW!!

This year, with Harper being on the brink of her 2nd birthday, Em and I decided to throw her right into the mix of our Christmas cookie baking exstravaganza. On the menu...oreo balls, turtles with and with out pecans, peppermint brittle, and rice crispy squares. After the day was done, Harper could add to her resume, accomplished ingredient pourer, mixer, and taster. She loved being a part of everything and she was a welcomed addition to the kitchen.

After all that baking, what's better than a little merrymaking in the snow. Funny story, Adam and were on such a mission to find Harper a snow suit before the big snow Christmas weekend, that we forgot the possible need for a sled. Lucky for her, we are quite innovative. Unlucky for her, she will be humiliated by the level of redneck these pictures will add to her life as they will undoubtedly pop up time and time again. Sorry baby girl.

Yep, that's a laundry basket and the dogs leash.

Teaching my baby how to smell the snow.

And the red comes out again with the bag over the socks. You can't deny, it works.

Pink cheeks means it was a successful day in the snow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

It just keeps getting better with age

This Christmas was...in a word...PERFECT.

Adam and I were so excited for last Christmas because it was our first one with kids. We couldn't wait to see how excited she got when she ripped into her presents and realized Santa had delivered pure happiness and wrapped it in shiny paper. This was not quite how it went. Not to take anything away from Harper's first Christmas and the fun it did bring, but it wasn't really as exciting as we had built it up to be...at least not for her.

This Christmas, however, was exactly how we envisioned it. Harper ran down the steps (in the cutest little Christmas pajamas made by Adam's Aunt Mimi) and straight to her presents. She opened each one with delight and curiosity, and seemed absolutely thrilled with every single one. She completely made our day with her eagerness and joy.

I can definitely see how people spoil their children. It's so easy!! I don't want her to get used to having her own toy store under the tree, but how do you stop buying when you know how elated each give will make her?

We don't have a mantle on our family room fireplace so we need to hang
our stockings up in the living room.

First present she opened and she not only loved it but decided to put it
to use right there and then.

She could not have been more excited about having her own little house.
Best $24 we ever spent! Unfortunately, the thing is HUGE, and taking down the queen's castle would not go over too well. I guess we're stuck with it.