Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4 months already??!!

Wow, the first month felt like a year, but the last 3 have gone by in a blink. Harper has changed and learned so much in such a short time. It's amazing to watch her grow every day. I am so blessed that I am able to stay home with her through this time. I can't imagine missing even one minute of it.
Harper has been making big strides this past month. She has been standing and sitting a lot lately, with us holding her of course. She doesn't like to lie down any more, she is constantly trying to sit up. Yet, when we try to sit her down, she won't bend at the waist, she only wants to stand. Funny girl. She has even started holding herself up if we put her in place and let her hold on to something. I can't wait to see what this month will bring.

Thank you to all our faithful fans and followers from the last 4 months. I love love love all the comments people leave us, and knowing how much you all care for our family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kids,
I just finished watching the "laughing" video for the third time. Bob and I LOVED it. All the other pictures are just too cute. Harper gets more beautiful with each day.Mom