Monday, September 14, 2009

1/2 Birthdays Rock!!

Hard to believe, but here we are, half way through the first year of life for Miss Harper Olivia. Anyone who knows me would not be surprised to hear that I have been thinking about and planning her first birthday party for the past 2 months. If I could get away with having a party for her 1/2 birthday I would. We had a fun day today. We went out to run some errands with Meredith, and among other things, picked up the cutest little Jean jacket for her special day. I'm sure you'll see it in pictures soon.
I will combine this 6 month blog with a milestone update. She is now sitting up on her own, free and clear of the bumbo or boppi. It's so funny to see her sitting up. She looks like a mini person. I know, I know, that's what she is... but she's just so cute. She barely looks like a baby anymore. She still falls over every once in a while during spontaneous fits of excitement. I have stopped diving to save her since realizing she thinks falling over is hilarious. I guess as long as we are on carpet it's all good. I'll give you an update on her stats after we go to our Dr. appointment on the 24th.


Em said...

the second pic is my fav - looks like she is doing pilates... the tenny's are adorable =)

Em said...

and i got her those pants so i love it more =) It is funny to see them on Alyssa, Riley and Harper now... they all looked so cute in my closet for so long, now they are getting some good use!

ufheather55 said...

Ahhh, look at her NewB's!