That's one thing about labor I HATE, not being able to predict or have any sort of guarantee. Funny that based on that character flaw I possess, we didn't find out the sex either. What are we doing to ourselves??!!
Anyway, anyway, back to the point of this post. I just went to the doctor today for my weekly check. I am 38 weeks (14 days to go) and almost 4cm dilated, 50% effaced, and still at -2 station (meaning the baby hasn't dropped at all yet). My thought process is...another week, maybe. I am sending you all this friendly reminder so that you will get your Baby Pool guesses in before it's too late. As soon as this baby sees the light of day, the pool is closed for business. Remember, if for some strange reason you don't want to babysit as your prize, or you live out of town, I have decided to do a Painted Peacock piece for the winner. Now who would pass that up??
Good Luck :)
Click here for the link.
Holy cow! I cannot believe you are already 4cm!!! I would be asking for the epidural, like now. Hehe. Good luck Sarah!
I love all the post updates and good luck in the next couple days or weeks.!
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