Well hello there captain obvious, I've been neglecting the blog. I really have no excuse either. Pregnancy would be a great one, except how do you use the same excuse for being too lazy to do the dishes, laundry, or grocery shopping, aaannnd sitting on the sofa, playing on the computer. Seems like maybe I should be able to muster up the energy to do one of those things. Well...I'm madly catching up on posts this week, so guess which one I chose?
After going through our phones for pictures and downloading our camera from the past 4 months, I have found a ton of pictures. Most of them weren't vital enough to get their own posts. However, several of them were definitely blog worthy. So I've decided to just do a mass catch up post and give a very small commentary for each picture or group of pictures. We did have a few events that were given an entire post so make sure to read down through all the new ones :)
Back in July, Harper made the switch into her big girl room (more on room design later). We decided to keep the nursery as is and move her into our old guest room. Surprisingly, she took right to it and has never turned back. She, for whatever reason, never gets out of her bed. She will talk, sing, or read to herself, but has been good as gold since the big move. Love her!!! Here is our little girl and dada on "night 1".
Life these days is all about the mouse. If Mickey isn't there, it isn't worth doing!

Oh, and Minnie too!
We are potty training. Well we have BEEN potty training. Harper was a fast learner right from the start, as long as it was warm out and we could go bottomless. She then seemed to have a little setback when we moved to just underwear. Still was still doing really well, with only the occasional accident. The problem came when poop was involved. This was evidently a concept she didn't agree with. It's a work in progress. I will say, in the last week or so, we've had a few issues. This, I'm sure, is due to my lack of ability to "play" too much, and Adam always studying. Once Adam's test is over, and the baby is here (allowing me to get back down on the floor) we will find our new normal and she will get back into her groove.

When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Everything looks better in heels...even potty training.
We haven't had a ton of rainy days lately, but those that have found there way to us have definitely been utilized to their fullest around here.
"I want to look like dada."
"Baby or not...I'm sitting on your lap!"
We made our own pizzas. It's no brick oven but it'll do.

We held a baby for the first time!!
Speaking of first times, dad brought us to Krispy Kreme to enjoy the incomparable taste only the hot light can bring. This was a moment I didn't get to experience until college, she is already waaaay ahead of me!
This was a mistake. Though a brilliant idea at the time, not all stores have the "shopper in training" carts. That does not make for a pleasant time.
When all is said and done, we had a great summer, and the most important thing was...we stayed safe :)
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