We have been waiting patiently, or in the case of Adam and myself, impatiently, for one of our local parks to finish it's makeover and open to the public again. Pullen park is a huge park in downtown Raleigh known for it's kid sized train and antique (but rideable) carousel. Two years ago, that's right the exact time we would want to start bringing Harper, they decide to give it a complete overhaul. Well, it FINALLY opened back up the weekend before Thanksgiving. Of course, Adam and I, in our haste to see it, went opening weekend. Other than having to bob and weave around 10 million people, not being able to go on the train OR carousel due to the lines, and leaving with a screaming child slung over our shoulder, IT WAS AWESOME!!! It was totally worth all the time, and all the money they put into it. It's beautiful and super clean. It has a snack bar style restaurant, plenty of open grassy areas, paddle boats, ducks to feed, the nicest kids playground area I have ever seen, and of course the train and carousel. We did end up going back again a week or 2 later so we could fully enjoy all it had to offer without the crowds.
We will definitely be frequenting this place in the weeks/months to come, but sticking to the weekdays.

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