Saturday, July 9, 2011

Making (and reporting) the Difference

I'm sorry if this is a little TMI. I'm under the assumption that most of my readers are of the female nature.


1) Random nausea during first trimester

2) First trimester heartbeat = 174 bpm

3) Cravings were all about sweets/chocolate

4) Weight gain mostly in hips/thighs

5) Second trimester I had high energy

6) Carried like a basketball all in front

7) Could barely keep up with shaving legs

8) Linea negra line was present but not dark

9) Second trimester heartbeat = 150 bmp

10) Baby measured right on track from start to finish


1) Random nausea during first trimester

2) First trimester heartbeat = 175 bpm

3) Cravings mostly salty but still won't pass up an oreo if within reach

4) Weight gain mostly in hips/thighs

5) Second trimester low energy

6) Carrying like a basketball all in front

7) Very slow growing hair, shave every other day (or even 2 sometimes) very nice!

8) No Linea negra line this time at all

9) Second trimester heartbeat = 127 bpm

10) Baby measuring ahead of schedule

Here is an ultra sound picture of the new babe at 18 weeks (almost 7 weeks ago)!

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