Sunday, July 17, 2011

Not every holiday is for family, some are just all about good friends

We had a fabulous time this 4th of July at the beach with our friends, the Barone's and the Toni's. Jim and MJ have been extremely generous with the beach house this year and invited us back for another round on the water.
Well, I will have to say that the second time was a charm for Harper. After a slightly timid start, she came around with a vengeance. We couldn't get her out of the water for the better part of 2 days, and had to take turns watching her because she refused to take a break and just hang out on the sand. Harper and dad had a grand old time looking in the tide pools for shells. Mostly just little what knots until Harper found the diamond in the entire sand dollar!! A big one at that!
We made the traditional trip to the aquarium, and took the ferry over to Southport. We were very excited to find ourselves just in time for the Independence Day Parade. We had planned to eat lunch at a quaint little restaurant on the water, but wound up discovering, after a nice little walk in the 95 degree heat, that it was closed. We had a nice little picnic on the sidewalk back in town and enjoyed some good ol' street vendor food. Despite our shabby appearance after our sweaty walk, Harper and I were asked to be filmed for a show. Don't ask me what show, I was too distracted to even ask, but nonetheless, Harper's magnetic personality and sweet little patriotic outfit drew them in and...BAM...we're famous!

It was an awesome 4 days of relaxing and laughing.

We weren't exactly roughing it were we?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where exactly did Picaso start? I mean, these are pretty damn impressive to me.

I promise on the air we breath that I didn't help, coach, or influence her in ANY way. We do a lot of patio chalk drawings around here. These were a couple of the documented masterpieces created and named by our little shining star this summer.


Mickey Mouse

Saturday, July 9, 2011

No particular reason, just randoms that slipped under my radar

Found a few pictures that were cute but really didn't have a place in any of my previous posts. I didn't want to let these babies go unappreciated so I'll just fit them in right here.

Plastic pool, driveway, hose...duh, cowboy hat!

We make our own rainbows 'round these parts.

Making (and reporting) the Difference

I'm sorry if this is a little TMI. I'm under the assumption that most of my readers are of the female nature.


1) Random nausea during first trimester

2) First trimester heartbeat = 174 bpm

3) Cravings were all about sweets/chocolate

4) Weight gain mostly in hips/thighs

5) Second trimester I had high energy

6) Carried like a basketball all in front

7) Could barely keep up with shaving legs

8) Linea negra line was present but not dark

9) Second trimester heartbeat = 150 bmp

10) Baby measured right on track from start to finish


1) Random nausea during first trimester

2) First trimester heartbeat = 175 bpm

3) Cravings mostly salty but still won't pass up an oreo if within reach

4) Weight gain mostly in hips/thighs

5) Second trimester low energy

6) Carrying like a basketball all in front

7) Very slow growing hair, shave every other day (or even 2 sometimes) very nice!

8) No Linea negra line this time at all

9) Second trimester heartbeat = 127 bpm

10) Baby measuring ahead of schedule

Here is an ultra sound picture of the new babe at 18 weeks (almost 7 weeks ago)!