Harper is 21 months old and here are her most recent "can do's".
1.) Harper knows 21 out of 26 letters in the alphabet!! She will either point to them if I say the name or she will tell me the name if I point to it.
2.) She knows all the letters in her name and recognizes her name when spelled out.
3.) Though she can't count on her own yet, she will say the numbers at the same time as me when counting all the way up to 10!
4.) She now knows and uses over 100 words, and will repeat and remember just about any word we say to her. She regularly combines 2 words together and has started combining 3 words more and more often. It's crazy to think she will be speaking in sentences in not too long.
5.) She is getting much better about the potty, sitting on it for longer, knowing what it's for, however, still no actual success. Trust me you will all be the first to know when she does.
6.) She knows some shapes, Circle, Rectangle, Oval, Star, Heart, Moon, and even Pentagon (yes I said pentagon). Funny to me that square has been the tough one for her to learn.
7.) She knows the colors, blue, red, purple, and yellow. Colors have been the hardest thing for her to learn. Ironic, considering color is my expertise.
8.) Harper can halfway dress, and completely undress herself. She now gets huffy if we don't let her do it ON HER OWN!
9.) She LOVES shoes and will put on and walk around in any pair that has been left unattended within her range.
10.) And the big one...HARPER CAN NOW WEAR PIGTAILS!!! This is huge! I haven't been this excited since I found out she was a girl.
And just because I can't publish any post without a picture...here you go.

1 comment:
wow! I am impressed! Harper is a smarty! Forest had a hard time with square too and will still sometimes call it a triangle.
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