To catch you all up, Harper is still really sweet and super cute. She comes with a little bit more attitude these days. The more independent and mobile she gets, the less "help" or "holding" she wants. Kind of a frustrating stage for everyone involved, but all part of the job. Harper currently looks like she was on the loosing end of a fight. Of course a week before her birthday, she has a bruise on each cheek and a cut under one eye. Learning to walk, and insisting on doing it yourself, is dangerous work.
I have started working a couple days a week at my old job. It's just temporary, but now that I have gotten a taste, I'm hungry for more. Time, and childcare will tell, but I think I will need to find something more permanent in the future, at least until we are ready for number 2.
I promise to keep you updated on her birthday-paloosa.
This picture is not the clearest, I uploaded it from my phone. Harper obviously didn't feel the same about the picture as I did.

Another phone photo. This was what I walked into the other day. She was, in reality, stuck. I had to turn her sideways to get her out. I would have loved to had been there for the entry.

Gotta love those cell phone cameras. This was the scene when I came out of the shower the other day. She had planted herself right in front of the door, unrolled the ENTIRE roll of toilet paper, and was eating it. Such a little princess.

oh you got to love the toilet paper eating! It took Forest a long while to stop eating it but he still likes to unravel it :(
Haha! Love the pictures! :)
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