I guess I haven't been the best for remembering to post at each of Harper's monthly birthdays. I've gotten most of them but have missed a few, including this last one on the 14th.
Ok, so here's the 9 month up date on the little miss.
1.) She is still not crawling in the traditional sense, or in an organized fashion, however, she is extremely mobile. She gets from here to there in the blink of and eye in her own way. Mostly rolling, and scooting, with the occasional short crawling span. I think, like many other kids whose parents we talked to, she will skip this stage.
2.) She has started pulling herself up on everything, and walking all around her crib and the furniture. She is not taking steps on her own yet but she does challenge herself by letting go for a minute and them grabbing back on. I'm sure it won't be long.
3.)She is sporting 6 teeth now and working on more. The teething has pretty much been a constant since 3 months. She seems to deal with it pretty well with only the occasional outburst.
4.)Our little princess is a semi-verbal baby now. She says "mama" and "dada" clearly on a regular basis. She has a couple more words in the works that will soon be additions to her vocabulary... book, bottle, and Ella.
5.)Harper has also become quite a vision on the dance floor. She loves music. Whether it's a toy, the T.V. or the radio, she will dance when the music starts. No one's gonna say my girl doesn't have rhythm.
6.)A budding phase is banging things together. She will bang anything she can hold on the table, in her hands, or a personal favorite, on mom or dads head. Whatever keeps her happy right?
It's amazing how fast things seem to be happening. Watching her figure things out is truly amazing.
After her last appointment, Harper is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. Adam keeps saying "she's so big". She is looking more and more like a kid now. It's crazy to think that by next Christmas she will be.
Keep watching, we will have the 9 month pictures coming soon.
To keep you occupied until the pictures come, here is a little routine Harper put together with her Kidz Bop cd. Watch out this little "shorty" is fire burning.
Hello world!
1 year ago
1 comment:
I love the "let go with one hand and turn around move".... that was superfine!!!
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