We "set up" our mini Halloween scene at our house. We always try to at least get a pumpkin or 2 but we never really go all out with the Holiday decorations, with the exception of Christmas. This year Adam decided to pick up a bale of hay. It added a nice touch to the pumpkins and the pictures. We had a beautiful fall day last week, so I thought I would put Harper in her new coat, hat and boots and grab a couple of cute pictures with the pumpkins. She was also wearing her skinny jeans that day, yes that's right ladies, her skinny jeans. They are the only ones that will fit in side her boots. She was not in the best mood that day (as reflected in her blank semi annoyed stare). Oh well, that's our little girl, she's all or nothing when it comes to pictures.

Last night was Halloween, our first with the little miss. I'm not sure, actually I take that back, I am sure she was no where near as excited about her costume as we were, but she did let us have fun with it and that's all that matters. She will love seeing these pictures at her wedding in 25 years, won't she?
We borrowed the costume from Emilee's sister-in-law Beth. Her little girl Alyssa wore it when she was about the same age. It was so stink'n' cute!! Thanks again Beth, maybe in a few years she can be a snow queen.
You may recognize the hay bale and pumpkins. I was lacking creativity this weekend. They have definitely served their purpose for the season.

Ok, now on to the adult segment of this post. Adam and I finally got our big night out on the town. I'm not quite sure we were properly prepared, but it was a blast non the less. It's been a while since we have done the 9 to 2am time slot (in last nights case it was more like 3) so we were a little rusty. We went over to our friends Lee and Kim's for their annual party and had a great time seeing all of our creative friends going all out. We then headed over to another friend's house, Amie, to celebrate Whitley's 30th birthday. We stayed there for a little while before the Couch Trip bus picked us up and took us down town. We had rented the bus for the entire night so we never had to worry about driving, catching a cab or, God forbid, walking in my shoes. We partied until we ran out of steam and then crawled back home. Harper's wake up call at 6:30am (7:30 her time) was not the finishing touch we were looking for. Lucky for us Grandma was still there to take over and let mom and dad get a little more sleep.
I was the Orbit Gum Girl "fabulous", and Adam was my obiligatory "dirty mouth".

Kenny (Adam's brother) was Kenny Powers, and Beth (sister in law) was an umpire.

Lady Gaga in the flesh and on our bus!!
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