Sunday, October 18, 2009


Adam and I headed down to Greenville this weekend to show our support for the ECU Pirates. It was their homecoming game and I think EVERY current and former student was there. We went down with some other friends of ours and met up with a ton more. I have to say, I am by no means a college football tailgating connoisseur, however, these guys definitely do it right. I have never seen so much school spirit in my life, and I was a cheerleader for 6 years. They had the traditional tents and flags, shirts and coozies, but we also saw ECU custom beer cans, dinnerware, table clothes, motor homes, and even port-a-potties...yes port-a-potties. It was a sea of purple and yellow. People from 1 to 100 were dressed head to toe in school attire. It was pretty impressive.

We all had a great time together. We went into the game for approximately 20 mins. ECU was up by about 20 points so we headed out to finish tailgating and then to dinner. Adam and I, unfortunately, had to get back to Raleigh for Harper's Baptism eary the next morning (post to come soon). We would have liked to have stayed that night for the partying, but duty called.

Until next year...

The Girls...Me, Lauren, and Anne

The boys... Andy (w/ Anne), Adam, Bryan (w/ Lauren)

A little striped delight

Here it is in all it's glory. What better than your own private bathroom at an event like this. I don't know if you can tell but it had the ECU mascot carved into the door.



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