Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Tale of 2 Cereals

So, as we begin our story of Harper and her first solid foods, we are set in the kitchen. We start with a little rice cereal.

The first bite took a little convincing to get in, and unfortunately, was not received well.

This dislike turned to fear as soon as the next bite was within eye range.

This next bite was a carbon copy of the first. It was not exactly mouthwatering to little Miss Harper.

After a couple days of only rice cereal, we decided to give oatmeal a try. Even though, at this point, Harper had started to come around; There was nothing but intense panic in her eyes as we drew the first bit of oatmeal.

Hurray for oatmeal!!! What a great new discovery. Mornings will surely be a little happier with such a succulent dish.


kathie said...

So captured it well.

Mere said...

I love her expressions!!! Just wait until you get to peas. :)