To start with, Harper had her 4 month appointment 3 weeks ago. She is doing really well and is right on track for her age. She was 14 Lbs 12.5 oz (65th %), and 25 in long (70th %). At this point she is 15 Lbs 2 oz (we have an infant scale at home). I did, at least, find the time to blog about her cutting her first 2 teeth, that was big. They have come completely in by now but they are still her only 2.
Harper had her first overnight at Nana and Grandpa Gates'. Adam and I went to Albemarle for Kenny and Beth's wedding shower a couple weeks ago. We decided not to bring the baby just to keep it easier on us and her. Everything went well and we all survived. Harper also rolled over for the first time! This was a long time coming. Adam and I have been waiting with baited breath for her to finally decide it was worth all the energy it took. She did it, of course, when neither Adam or I were there. We were out on the boat for the day, and when my dad went in to get her after her nap, she was on her stomach. Oh well, it still counts, even if we didn't see it.
Just to keep it interesting for all of our readers, I'm including some pictures of the kids playing together. Harper absolutely LOVES Ella. Anytime she's around, Harper has a big smile on her face. She watches Ella whenever she's in the room, and if we say "where's Ella?" she'll look for her. Ella has the same affinity toward Harper. Anytime we put her down on the floor, Ella will come lay next to her. They get along so well, and times are good for now, but just wait 'till they're both teenagers. Ha Ha
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