Today marked the first day of Harper's and my new routine. I have recently joined the YMCA, and am determined to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Among all of the fitness advantages in belonging to a gym, the Y offers a plethora of fun for Harper. Today, while I worked out, she enjoyed herself in the nursery. This was definitely a little hard for me, they are strangers after all, but we both did really good. The nursery will be the only place at the Y Harper will be experiencing for the next couple of months. Come September however, when she turns 6 months, she will be starting her first round of swimming lessons. I can't wait!!! Today was a big day for both of us, but it was only the first of many.
We didn't get any pictures of Harper at the gym today, but we did take a short video of her and Ella playing just before bed. Harper really seems to be recognizing Ella a lot more now. Today she just thought Ella was the funniest thing. Ella seems to be taking a shine to Harper too. In the future maybe we won't need to coax her with peanut butter.
Hello world!
1 year ago
There is nothing better than a giggling baby!
i was going to comment on this earlier, but I couldn't move my muscles from our workout... =) So glad you are not only my best friend but my Gym "partner" (hahahahahahahaha) too!
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