Adam and I are lucky enough to be on the very exclusive list of people invited to the Barefoot at the Bay party every year. It is an annual 3 day long party hosted by our friends Whitley and Steve and Whitley's parents, June and Jobi. It takes place at June and Jobi's house on the Albemarle sound. Every year there are upwards of 30 people there. They have the perfect house for a gathering of this size. Not only do they welcome everyone into there home, but they have a HUGE yard for those who want to camp out, and a nice guest house for the overflow. Rain or shine it's always a great time. Adam and I went a couple years ago and had a blast. We were unable to go the last 2 years but made a point not to miss it this year. Whitley and Steve have a 19 month old little boy, Tully. He's the cutest thing, and he was so entertaining for Harper. We had absolutely the best time. I can't wait for next year when Harper will be running around with the other kids.

Tully was generous enough to let Harper use his activity center while she was there so that she could hang with the group in her own chair.

Harper loved the swing. Dad got a little overzealous with the pushing at one point, and so the swinging came to an abrupt stop. I'm sure she'll get over it soon and be right back up on that horse.

The house was built for parties. The entire house is up on stilts so it didn't even matter if it rained, which it did, the party still went on.

They had 4 corn hole games set up. It was like a tournament. Harper sat out while mom and dad played (and won) their games.

Whitley, Melissa, and I enjoying the band. It feels good to still be a groupie with my girls.

Such a fun group of girls.

Early morning picture of the tents. What a view to wake up to.

Harper had a great time in the water with Dad. She, again, needed a little coaxing, but she eventually decided she liked.

Even the dogs went for a swim. They looked like little suitcases in their life jackets.

Harper keeping it lazy on the swing after along day. Good times.