Saturday, March 14, 2009

Welcome to the World

Sorry for the delay - things have been quite emotional and busy as I am sure you can imagine!

Harper Olivia Brown joined us on March 14th (her due date) at 5:09pm. She weighed 7lbs and 12oz. She is 20.5 inches long.

Mom, Baby & Dad are all doing well and are head over heels in love. It was a moment beyond words.

Here is a Cell Photo Camera Sneak Peak...


kathie said...

Harper is beautiful! Congratulations to all!

The Holton's said...

She is sooooo beautiful!!!! Congrats!! Riley can't wait to play with her new friend!!
The Holton Family

Kealey said...

Thank you for keeping us updated. Happy Birthday to baby Harper. Congratulations Sarah and Adam.
We love you all.
Missing you in VT,

Sister Field said...

Queen Sarah and I guest that makes Adam King Adam,

Oh my gosh she is so beautiful. So sweet and lovely.

Congratulations and all our love

Lisa and Chris