Halloween this was definitely an event in the making. Actually, October was in general. First of all...Adam took the DAT (Dental Admissions Test). This was a huge event in the Brown house and basically consumed our/Adam's life for the 3 months leading up to it. Well, luckily HE DID GREAT!! So we won't have to go through all of that again (that is of course until dental school). Next on the line up was...The North Carolina State Fair!! This may not sound like a big deal to you, but I am a fair lover and never ever miss it. This, of course, leading up to the main event of THE BABY!! We spent most of the month praying he would wait and wouldn't come until after all of the happenings...which he did.
Now, on to Halloween. Though we were hoping the baby would hold off for a while, I was very optimistic he would be here for a little trick or treating with the family. I had planned the kids costumes and was very excited.
As luck would have it, he missed all the dates we wanted, and made it in time to hit exactly 4 houses on a rainy miserable Halloween night :(
Earlier in the month we found the time to make a repeat visit and grab some pumpkins at Hillridge Farms. We were so excited that we randomly ran into our friend Whitley and her little boy Tully (one of Harpers favorite little buddies). It made the day that much better, especially for the kids. The train and hay ride were just as fun as always, and feeding the animals never gets old. The 2 new attractions for Harper were the hay jump and the big slide. She had the best time!!

This was a very big slide for such a little girl to take on all by herself!
Out of the hundreds of pumpkins to choose from, Harper chose this little guy and wouldn't let go. No matter how much mom and dad tried to convince her to get a bigger one, or a smoother one, she would have none of it. It wasn't even carvable. This was, in fact, the Charlie Brown Christmas tree of the pumpkin patch :)
And now for the costume reveal!! Harper was a beautiful Eskimo (princess) as she would say, and Stratton was her sweet little papoose. My precious little babies.