Since the pictures speak for themselves, I guess I'll just get to the good news. Emilee decided, with out me knowing might I add, to enter Harper in a modeling competition for the clothing line she was wearing in her pictures. She happened to catch the advertisement for it the day she was editing Harper's photos and just sent a few over to them. Well I guess they liked them as much as we did because...SHE WON!!! That's right... first place baby!! Ok, so I guess didn't really mind that Emilee took matters into her own hands. Unfortunately, she will not be able to truly accept her winnings considering they are in Utah and that is a little too far to travel on a regular basis for a modeling career. We tried to have them let Emilee take the pictures but they already have a photographer under contract and that wouldn't be fair. Anyway, she is going to receive some sweet free clothes from them and the pride that can only come from a first place finish.

We shared her session with my good friend Meredith and her daughter Savannah (Harper's bff). They were too cute together, as always and we got some really great shots of them laughing and just hanging out like girls do.