Ok, I did it. I launched a website and Facebook page for my furniture!
Thanks to Emilee I have a well crafted website that couples as a professional blog. I think this will be a better fit for my kind of biz. People want to see before and afters, and everything in between. I'm hoping that by giving each piece it's own introduction and editorial, people will connect better and want to give them all a home...much like puppies.
Well, Saturday actually marked the first "coming out" for The Painted Peacock. Emilee Beth Photography had a Halloween costume event that was held at our house. She invited me and our friend Lauren to show our stuff. Lauren is an extremely talented artist who sells kids painted step stools, canvases, bow holders, etc (let me know if you want to get in touch with her). It was a gorgeous day, everything went perfectly, and all the kids looked great in their costumes!
As far as the furniture, we had a lot of nice complements, and lookers but no purchases. Well, at least not then. We launched the site and FB announcement last night around 9pm. By this morning I have had inquiries about every piece of furniture except for 2!! Holy crap! It took me 2 months to find and paint all that furniture. I am definitely going to have to find some more free time in my schedule to keep up with this apparent demand.
Don't get me wrong, I am THRILLED! However, I'm a little nervous about keeping up.
A big fat THANK YOU to everyone who has helped me get started. Don't think for a second your job is done. WE have a lot of work to do (ha ha).
See our website
See us on Facebook
Hello world!
1 year ago