1.) PUT THINGS AWAY - this includes things that belong there and things that don't. We have been on many a scavenger hunt lately.
a) her toy birthday cake pieces in the entertainment drawers.

b) the dvd remote we looked for for an entire month, in her toy bin.

2.) SAY ABOUT 20 WORDS - some of her newest being BIRD, PURSE, APPLE, & PLEASE. Keep in mind many of these words are only understood by me, Adam or my mom but nonetheless, she says them.
3.) TURN STUFF ON AND OFF - the TV being her favorite. She can do it with the remote or right on the unit. Light switches and fans are also a big hit.
4.) FEED HERSELF - still a little trouble with soft foods but most of the time she gets it to her mouth.

5.) FEED OTHERS - dolls, bears, us, if it has a mouth she'll feed it. She discovered the other day that feeding Tyler food was as much fun as eating it herself. (she was actually feeding him with a fork though it's hard to see in this picture.)

6.) KNOWS HER COLORS - well...she is really good with blue. Red, yellow and green are in the works.
7.) LOVES TO TWIRL - dancing has always been a big part of Harper's activity schedule, but lately she has discovered a new move...twirling. She really enjoys spinning around and around until she's dizzy. Funny as long as she's not near a sharp or hard object.
8.) WALKING BACKWARDS - don't worry, she still primarily goes forward, but she loves to back up to things even if they are half way across the room.
9.) RIDE WITH THE TOP DOWN - notice their matching jackets.

10.) BLOW KISSES - this is not a new skill, but it remains one of her favorites. She is not shy or stingy with them either. You could be her best friend or the bagger at the grocery store.
11.) MAKING FRIENDS - haven't they always said grocery stores are a great place to meet people.

12.) HIGH FIVE/POUND - high five is nothing new. This skill she has possessed for a while now, however, Adam has taught her to do a pound (fist bump) and it has sparked a new craze. She will come running across the room if you prompt her with either of these activities.
13.) TALK ON THE PHONE - or anything else that may resemble a phone. She spent 20 mins talking to someone on the alarm clock the other day.
14.) SWIM - she's a little fish. She now has decided she is independent enough and doesn't want any help. (sorry it's sideways, when I do video on our little camera it won't let me rotate it.)
15.) BIG LOLLIPOPS - don't worry we didn't give her the entire thing. Just enough to know that she LOVES it.