Friday, May 28, 2010

Fashion Friday

This weeks "Fashion Friday" is all about getting back to basics. Harper feels it's important to be comfortable in your own skin. So, with that being said, throw a leg up and enjoy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wishing I was back there

What was I doing 3 years ago today?

Well...I was in one of the most amazing places in the continental United States for one, The Jekyll Island Club, Jekyll Island, Georgia. If you haven't been, go, it's FABULOUS. As for what exactly I was doing, that is a loaded question. Starting at around 8 o'clock am I was getting up and ready for my bridesmaids luncheon also to include mothers and grandmothers. From there began the fury that was my wedding day. I don't remember having 30 seconds to rest, what with 6 girls getting ready, pictures, then frantically helping the staff set up (there was no way I was not going to have my hands in every last detail of such an important day.)

Now lets skip on over to where Adam was at this time. He began his day with a round of golf in the morning with all the groomsmen, fathers, etc. Then he headed over to the pool where he and his faithful buddies enjoyed pina coladas and a little vitamin D before getting ready for pictures (which took them about 20 mins by the way.)

All in all, it was a perfect day, with perfect guests, perfect weather and the perfect couple (ha ha).

The best part of the whole weekend was that it was only Saturday and we still had 2 more days to enjoy our guests and the beach. The benefits that come with having your wedding on a holiday weekend.

It was the BEST BEST BEST weekend of my life for so many reasons, number one being because I was marrying my love. Adam, I love you even more today, and I'm so proud of you and all you are doing for us. You are a true inspiration to your friends and family and I am so lucky every day for your love. Keep up your hard work, we are with you all the way.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So I DO like the swings after all.

Harper and I spent a lovely afternoon with our friends Meredith and her daughter Savannah. The girls are very close in age, Savannah is 2 months older, and have literally been live long friends. They first met when Harper was only a month old and have be buddies ever since. As they both seem to share an affinity for fashion, giving their mothers attitude, and just over all being too damn cute for words, I think the friendship will only blossom.

We all had a fantastic time at the park. The girls climbed around, made friends, went down a few slides, AND went on the swings. Now this may not be such a feat for Savannah since she doesn't have a touchy past with this particular playground equipment. Harper, on the other hand, has given us no less than a full fit when ever brought near the swings. I don't know if it was the good mood we were in that day or just not wanting to look bad in front of her friend, but she got right in it and rocked that swing for a good 15 mins. All with a big smile on her face.

I am also going to include my "Fashion Friday" in with this post. I know I've been really bad with them but, AGAIN, I was out of town this past weekend. Sometimes things just can't be helped. This week's post is brought to you by Valerie and Kealey. Nothing like a sassy new sun dress to make you feel good. Thanks guys!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monkey see monkey do

Even if that monkey is you? Oh yes, says Harper, no one better to imitate than yourself. If you remember this post of Harper doing her "how big is Harper". Well, as cute as that was, we have blown it out of the water. She loves to see herself in pictures, movies, mirrors, etc. This video is has become one of her favorites because it involves activities, and now that she has discovered how to replay it, there is no end to the joy.

Please keep your eyes and ears open for the upcoming debut of "Harper's interactive videos".

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've officially been replaced...

with a tap light. Yes that's right, the love of a mother, the nurturing, the doting, the affection, all superseded to a plastic battery powered light bulb. She doesn't sleep with the tap light, this was given to her as an incentive to get out of her crib. Another inanimate object that has replaced me. She will just sit in her crib sometimes after naps or in the morning and REFUSES to come out. On this particular day, she was in her own little Heaven.

Sorry for the picture quality. I couldn't use a flash or you wouldn't be able to see the glow, so therefore the shutter speed was slow. This leading to the blurriness. I'm learning the basics of our camera so we can step it up with our pictures.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Expressing yourself through your art is so important

Harper got some fun sidewalk chalk for her birthday back in March. We've been waiting for her to be old enough and ready to use it. We decided to push things along, so we started practicing with some crayons, and made it happen. This past weekend was the perfect weather, and time, to hit the patio with some chalk. The driveway is not in the best shape.
Harper had a great time seeing all the bright colors and realizing that she was doing it herself. My biggest challenge was keeping her in one area. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon activity. We even managed to get our first skinned knee, to which Harper was a very big girl. She only cried for about 10 seconds then just got right back into her art.

Thanks Alderson's for the great birthday gift.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fashion Friday

So I'm going to combine this weeks Fashion Friday with our first lake day this year. I'm breaking my rules a little in that this post will have a little story to it but hey, there's been a lot going on lately. I already missed last Friday because we were in NYC (post to come). I guess I have figured out why no one has a weekly post on Fridays.

Last week, May 2nd to be exact, we all, and by all I mean the dog too, headed up to Lake Gaston to have a day on the boat. We brought Harper on the boat a couple times last summer when she was really little and she seemed to enjoy it. Never a complain of the wind, noise, or bumps. Her only outburst came when we tried to sneak her into the water, a little to cold. She had a life jacket that she wore that was HUGE on her but she toughed it out despite an obvious distaste for it. This year was quite a bit different for our princess. She now has 2 life jackets to wear, the one from last year that fits her pretty well but won't for long, and another one that is just a bit big on her. We tried them both to see which was more comfortable for her and I'm pretty sure the reaction was the same for both, pure and utter hatred. Anyhow, the day went on and we met up with a friend of ours, Kim, at her parents lake house. We all just relaxed on their dock and Harper played in the kiddie pool.

It was a successful first lake day for the family and hopefully, with some more practice, Harper will get her sea legs. Loosing her balance on top of wearing a life jacket was definitely not her idea of a good time.

Not happy!!

Better, but still not her favorite.

And here's where the "fashion" fits into the post.