This week has been a big one for little miss Harper. On Saturday she attended her first Bridal Shower. I had a shower at my house for my good friend Meredith. Harper, I'm afraid to say, may have stolen most of the attention, sorry Meredith. She looked so cute in her little pink and green dress. If there's one thing she knows, it's how to dress for the occasion.

On Sunday we attended a baby shower for another good friend of mine, Lauren, and Harper's soon to be good friend, Katie. We had a great time. However, I'm afraid to say Harper may have, again, stolen a lot of the attention. Lauren, my apologies go out to you and Bryan. She was incredibly good the whole weekend. I was so proud of her and hope that this is the beginning of a new phase in her life, one with less crying.
Also, on Sunday, Harper started smiling and interacting with mom and dad. Prior to this, we had occasional smiles that were probably mostly related to gas. This was unmistakably different. She was smiling completely based on the actions of us. It may be hard to believe, but she is even more beautiful with a smile on her face.

Last but not least, we are starting Harper in her crib this week. She napped all day Wednesday in it and did very well. Even when she was not sleeping, for the most part she was content just kicking and cooing. We are going to start her at night either tonight or tomorrow night. We need to make sure Adam has the day off in case she decides it's not her thing. We'll let you know how it goes.